

Great Britain v Ireland 2008

30-31 August 2008
Maugham & Patel      beat Williams   & Fitzgerald -17 +26tp(M) +14
Aiton & Le Moignan beat Cunningham & G Healy +26tp(A) +24tp(A)
Kirby & Burridge beat N Healy & Newell +17tp(K) +17tp(B)
David Maugham   beat     Ed Cunningham    +26tp +22
Samir Patel lost to Simon Williams -25tp +24tp -14otp
Keith Aiton beat Gerard Healy +26tp +26sxp
Jonathan Kirby beat Patsy Fitzgerald +17tp +5tp
Tony Le Moignan beat Nathaniel Healy +3 +24tp
Ian Burridge beat Evan Newell +26tp +25tp
David Maugham   beat      Simon Williams   +10   -12 +17tp
Samir Patel drew with Ed Cunningham -24tp +15
Keith Aiton lost to Patsy Fitzgerald -26 +26tp -17tp
Jonathan Kirby beat Gerard Healy +4 +26tp
Tony Le Moignan beat Evan Newell +26tp +24tp
Ian Burridge beat Nathaniel Healy +23 +25sxp
GB 12 Ireland 2