Resort Invitational 2006 Resort Invitational 2006 results. Resort at the Mountain, Welches, OR June 7-11, 2006 Round 1 Peter Landrebe bt Mark McInerney +5tpo Ken Bald bt Jenny Williams +17 Chris Clarke bt Damon Bidencope +24tp Reg Bamford bt David Maugham +26sxp Round 2 McInerney bt Bald +6tp Williams bt Clarke +17 Huneycutt bt Bidencope +8tp Landrebe bt Maugham +26tp Round 3 Clarke bt Bald +26tp Williams bt Bidencope +26 Huneycutt bt Maugham +6 Landrebe bt Bamford +20sxp Round 4 McInerney bt Clarke +17tp Huneycutt bt Williams +26tp Bamford bt Bidencope +26qp Landrebe bt Bald +26tp Round 5 McInerney bt Williams +17tp Bamford bt Huneycutt +4 Maugham bt Bald +26tp Landrebe bt Clarke +26tp Round 6 Huneycutt bt Bald +9tp Maugham bt Clarke +26tp Bamford bt Williams +26 McInerney bt Bidencope +26tp Round 7 Bidencope bt Maugham +26tp Bald bt Bamford +14tp Landrebe bt Williams +26tp McInerney bt Huneycutt +26tp Round 8 Clarke bt Huneycutt +26tp Williams bt Maugham +21 Bidencope bt Landrebe +8 McInerney bt Bamford +2tp Round 9 Huneycutt bt Landrebe +8tp Bamford bt Clarke +26sxp Maugham bt McInerney +25tp Bald bt Bidencope +22 Round 10 Landrebe bt McInerney +26tp Williams bt Bald +17tp Clarke bt Bidencope +12tp Bamford bt Maugham +12sxp Round 11 Bald bt McInerney +25tp Williams bt Clarke +17 Bidencope bt Huneycutt +17 Landrebe bt Maugham +21tp Round 12 Bald bt Clarke +26tp Williams bt Bidencope +26tp Maugham bt Huneycutt +17tp Bamford bt Landrebe +1 Round 13 Clarke bt McInerney +6otp Huneycutt bt Williams +10tp Bamford bt Bidencope +10 Landrebe bt Bald +13tp Round 14 McInerney bt Williams +25tp Huneycutt bt Bamford +26tp Maugham bt Bald +25tp Landrebe bt Clarke +3otp Round 15 Bald bt Huneycutt +26tp Maugham bt Clarke +16tp Bamford bt Williams +26qp McInerney bt Bidencope +2tp Round 16 Maugham bt Bidencope +25 Bamford bt Bald +26qp Williams bt Landrebe +25tp Huneycutt bt McInerney +26tp Round 17 Clarke bt Huneycutt +24tp Maugham bt Williams +26tp Landrebe bt Bidencope +22 McInerney bt Bamford +17tp Round 18 Huneycutt bt Landrebe +14 Bamford bt Clarke +20qp Maugham bt McInerney +17 Bald bt Bidencope +4 Finals: Best of Three 1st and 2nd Places Bamford bt Landrebe +26sxp, 26sxp 3rd and 4th places McInerney bt Maugham -26tp, +16tp, +13stp Final Results and Net Points 1 Landrebe 11 +134 2 Bamford 11 +124 3 Maugham 9 +65 4 McInerney 9 +33 5 Huneycutt 9 -7 6 Bald 7 -40 7 Williams 7 -50 8 Clarke 6 -76 9 Bidencope 3 -183 |